We translate into all languages, so that your products can be exported world-wide with flawless manuals and documentation.

We pay attention to each translations completeness and precision, as well as conformity to technical terminology and observance of international standards. Our colleagues and collaborators are all native speakers of their respective languages.

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Need a technical translation?

Were right at home in technical fields like construction, mechanical engineering, automotive, electro-technology, IT, logistics, industrial technology, mechanics, hydraulics, physics and many others. We guarantee that your documents will go to translators who have both technical training and expertise in complicated, specialized terminology. This is the only way to provide you with accurate, qualified, high-value translations. Each term has an exact, unambiguous equivalent that is used uniformly throughout your translation. Our DTP department is available for processing files in special programs, such as Adobe InDesign, FrameMaker, PageMaker and many more.

Do you need a stamped translation thet is certified or witnessed by a notary?

These translations fall into a special category and are needed for public authorities, government organizations, embassies, etc. For officially certified translations, you can turn to us.

How an order is processed

Once you contract us for translation services, you are assigned a personal team of experts.

1. The team leader ensures that your order is complete. He gives the order to the project manager in charge. He addresses any ambiguities with you and completes any missing information.

2. The project manager creates the translation project. He checks whether the text is complete and properly structured, so that the translator can recognize complete sentences and paragraphs.

3. The project manager selects the translator and gathers all necessary documents. We have automated this process to reduce the chance of error to an absolute minimum.

4. The translator prepares the translation. If something is unclear, he contacts the project manager, who will contact you, if necessary.

5. The translator completes the order and sends the completed data to the project manager, who checks it for completeness.

6. The project manager selects a reviewer, who also receives all the necessary instructions, information and reference files.

7. The translation is reviewed and goes back to the project manager.

8. The project manager checks the delivery for completeness and uses an external program as the first stage of quality control. Together with the reviewer, he clarifies any inconsistencies found.

9. The project manager checks the bilingual version of the translation in the CAT tool. If there are inconsistencies, he checks with the reviewer.

10. As soon as all inconsistencies have been clarified, the project manager exports the monolingual file and makes any necessary adjustments to the layout.

11. If you require DTP services for your translation, the project manager forwards the exported file to the DTP department for layout adjustment.

12. The completed file goes back to the project manager. He makes a final inspection and checks whether all specifications have been met. Finally, he sends you the complete translated file.