Tetras Translations uses the color green to represent itself. Green is the color of nature, of peace, and of relaxation. This color is more significant for people than they may think.
The human eye perceives green-yellow colors down to the finest nuance. Why? This fine sense of vision goes back to our evolution. Over half a billion years ago, the primordial ocean was teeming with a tiny organism that could already see. And although this early sight organ could not distinguish more than light and dark, it triggered a fascinating development process on Planet Earth. Researchers believe that from a small, light-sensitive dot, evolution produced the wide-ranging pallet of eye types we see today (45 to 65 types of eyes that developed independently of each other). All types of eyes have adapted to the habitat of their individual organisms. The eye’s job is to capture photons — the elementary particles of light — and thereby to see. Vision eases an organism’s access to food sources and enables successful escape from predators.
Light is an electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength of 360 to 780 nanometers (nm). This range includes the spectrum of seven basic colors that the human eye can see. The color spectrum represents division of light energy into individual wavelengths, or frequencies.
It contains the following colors:
- Purple (360 – 420 nm)
- Indigo (420 – 480 nm)
- Blue (480 – 540 nm)
- Green (540 – 600 nm)
- Yellow (600 – 660 nm)
- Orange (660 – 720 nm)
- Red (720 – 780 nm)
The color green is among the three source colors that the human eye can distinguish among 10 million shades of other colors. We cannot see ultraviolet or infrared at all. The human eye sees green as more than just a color. Green is often a symbol of nature. The plants that represent our greatest source of food are green. This is because of their chlorophyll components. Chlorophyll has the property of strongly absorbing the electromagnetic wavelengths of red and blue, so the light reflected back looks green. The green that is associated with preservation of life is perceived as positive and optimistic.
How green influences our physical and mental health
Green is a cool, passive color that conveys calm and peace. It is generally the most relaxed of all colors. It stands for freshness, peace, hope, ease, and harmony. People also associate it with life, youth, and spring weather. Green is becoming increasingly popular. It conveys the notions of nature and solidarity with the environment. In marketing, green is often used in association with eco-friendly products. It is the color of sympathy. It helps with heart and nerve problems, inner restlessness, disturbed sleep, and exhaustion. The color is used with gall bladder disorders, and for easing allergies, asthma, and breathing problems. It improves concentration, strengthens memory, and supports thought processes. Green lowers blood pressure and widens blood vessels. Psychologically speaking, it stands for hope, positive change, and new life — for a new beginning. If you want to produce harmony or create greater stability and security, go with green!
How green affects Tetras Translations
As we have already described, green stands for a new beginning — the birth of something new. At the beginning, for our company also, the color stood for a new start and a new enterprise. And how does the color affect us now, after years of successful business? We feel we are always full of energy, think positively, have new ideas, visions, and goals… We want to stay true to the color green and earn the image of an eco-friendly company. We strive to reduce paper waste to a minimum by migrating to electronic systems. We feel that our gifts and promotional articles — many of which we get from sheltered workshops — also help those who need it.